Physical Disability Support

Medical social workers provide various services to the patient to help the patient in his or her recovery.

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Physical Disability Support

Physical Disability Support

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic condition that results from a malfunctioning immune system.

Your immune system is designed to identify foreign bodies (such as bacteria and viruses) and attack them to keep you healthy. However, in the case of rheumatoid arthritis, your immune system mistakenly attacks healthy tissue in and around your joints, causing ongoing inflammation and pain. This and other physical disabilities and age-related conditions are some of the few circumstances that prevent patients from caring for themselves.

We are here to help when you need us

Our caregivers enable clients to maintain their normal daily routines and assist with daily tasks including but not limited to the following

Daily Care routine

Bathing, dressing and grooming assistance
Medication reminders
Safety and fall prevention
Status reporting to family
Toileting and incontinence care
Physiotherapy and Pain Management
At-home Nursing Care and Companionship

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